Are you enjoying a healthy fat with EVERY meal??? If not, you should be. Healthy fats are a big part of improving meal satisfaction and satiety (feeling of fullness). Adding healthy fat is a key part of improving overall diet, and even weight loss!! You need healthy fats in your life to eat a truly balanced diet and you will be amazed how much BETTER your food tastes! Enjoy my tips below!
“Get rid of your “fat-free” and “low-fat” food items to make room for the more natural, wholesome, satiating, and healthy foods!”
21 ways to add healthy fats to your day
1. Try these overnight oats.
2. Cook your eggs in grass-fed butter.
3. Eat the whole egg.
4. Mix nut butter (peanut, almond, cashew, etc) into your oatmeal.
5. Cut back on your serving of cereal and mix it into full-fat, plain yogurt.
6. Breakfast skipper? Grab a spoon and eat a big scoop of natural peanut butter.
7. Sprinkle ground flax or hemp seeds on your cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, even eggs!
smoothie bowl...FTW (plus some hemp seeds!)
9. Keep raw nuts at your desk (or locker) to reach for as a mid morning snack.
10. Extra sharp cheese sticks make a great snack too!
11. Invest in travel nut butter packs.
12. Pour olive oil over your lunch.
13. Try avocado oil and red wine vinegar on your salad.
14. Add pumpkin seeds to your salad or sprinkle on top of your warm dinner.
15. Eat canned fish! Sardines, tuna, and salmon are quick and healthy.
16. Snack on olives (try it with your cheese stick).
17. Add chia seeds to your next cookie recipe.
18. Top your fruit with coconut butter.
19. Make your own Larabar.
20. Mash avocado into your chicken salad.
chicken salad on top of salad. NOM.
21. Get rid of your "fat-free" and "low-fat" food items to make room for the more natural, wholesome, satiating, and healthy food options mentioned above.
What is your favorite healthy fat?
How do you sneak them into your meals and snacks? I would love to hear about it!