Hi foodie friends and family. Sorry that I have been MIA for a few weeks. I want to update you on what's been going on with me!
At the end of June I finished my dietetic internship! (That's right- I am done with school and training!) Graduation was immediately followed by a weekend at the beach for a wedding. When I returned from the beach I spent a few days packing and then I moved out of Baltimore city to a house in a more suburban area with my sister, her boyfriend, and this guy!!
I am still in the process of unpacking and getting settled. It's been going very slowly. Shortly after moving I spent a week in NJ with my family and then I celebrated my birthday. Right now getting organized is on the back burner because I am busy studying for my exam to (finally) become a registered dietitian! I have 8 days until my exam!!! Assuming all goes well, I will be starting my first job as an RD at the end of July. Once I take my exam I plan to update my blog and some of my about me info, since I'll no longer be an "RD-to-be"!
a glass of red wine goes great with my study guide ;)
It has been such a crazy few weeks but the end is so close! If you'd like to follow along with my daily activities (and what I've been eating) click here and start following me on Instagram! I love using Instagram to connect with other foodies and my friends. It offers a way to find inspiration for meals and workouts! Writing blog posts can be time consuming, but I can easily snap pics of my meals or snacks and post them on Instagram to share with you all. I won't lie, I have not had a proper grocery trip in a month! I have been living off of eggs, leftovers, and eating out. Remember, it doesn't need to be complicated to pull together a healthy, real food meal. More often than not you have everything you need in the fridge. Follow me on Instagram to see what kind of meals I have been piecing together!
Quick snack of nitrate-free turkey slices folded up with some cheese
I wanted to share a video with you all. A friend and former coworker shared this TEDx video with me a couple of months ago. I posted it to my Facebook page but I want to be sure it reaches more people. The speaker is animated and well spoken. In just over 15 minute she explains why we get type 2 diabetes, why conventional recommendations and guidelines are misleading, and what we should do to reverse and/or protect ourselves from this disease. Type 2 diabetes can be complicated to understand. I wrote my own post a while back, but this video serves as excellent reinforcement. Plus, the more you understand about how your body operates, the better able you are to protect it! Let me know what you think!
I will be back in about two weeks!!!! Wish me luck!